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Thermal medicine at Terme di Ischia

By |24 June 2019|

THERMAL MEDICINE at Terme di Ischia Salty-carbonate-sulphuric-alkaline waters perform a theurapetic action on various tissues: MUCOUS MEMBRANE They are able to arouse vasodilation with an increase of mucus secretion of its whey component. They also stimulate the mucous membrane trophism and the local and general organic reactivity, so that they are particularly recommended for atrophic [...]

Quantum medicine at Terme di Ischia

By |24 June 2019|

QUANTUM MEDICINE Every cell in our system is continuously and directly connected with one other and with the outside world, using frequent messages that have specific organic effects. The functional cellular mistake stems from functional pathologies of the internal organs: Around 40% of people are afflicted by functional diseases of the digestive system. Around 30% [...]

Ischia mud

By |15 June 2019|

ISCHIA MUD ''Ischia mud'' originates from the geologic evolution of the island where, over the centuries, many hydrovolcanic eruptions and earthquakes changed the soil composition. The hot waters and muds, all ''“thermal” or “hypertermal”'' i.e. they are at the same time hot or very hot and very rich in minerals content. In spite of their [...]

Terme di Ischia Medical Spa

By |13 June 2019|

Terme di Ischia - Medical SPA Ischia Porto "A NEW CONCEPT OF THERMALISM" Terme di Ischia are going to reopen, by embracing a new concept of thermalism, which has been developed by Doctor Antonio Fimiani, owner and sole administrator of Alga srl, the new management trust that has worked in the fields of wellness and [...]

The mineral waters of Pejo

By |24 May 2019|

Mineral waters of Pejo Water has the leading role in Val di Pejo: glaciers, lakes, snow and mineral springs are some of its expressions. At Terme di Pejo, the Antica Fonte, Nuova Fonte and Fonte Alpina springs help to cure in a natural way some disorders of the joints, the venous and linfatic flow, the skin, the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal apparatus and the urinary [...]

Drinking therapy in Pejo

By |24 May 2019|

Hydropinic treatments in Pejo (Drinking therapy) The hydropinic treatment consists in drinking thermal water for therapeutic purposes. Drinking the right amount of water helps the body to keep vital functions efficient and to adjust metabolic imbalances. In Pejo the nature has been generous in mineral springs, which are precious to the hydro-saline balance of our body. [...]

Psychological services

By |10 August 2018|

The psychologist of Villa Nazareth takes care of the patient. After having accepted the patient in the structure, an interview is scheduled that allows a psychological profile to be drawn up. This profile is shared with the care team with the aim of creating a relational environment that suits the needs of the guest. Subsequently the psychologist [...]


By |10 August 2018|

Hydrokinesitherapy is the ideal combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that work on the man in order to recover the residual functions in the post-acute phase of the pathological processes that can arise during the course of life. The rehabilitation in water brings the patient in a therapeutic context completely different from the classical therapy. There are four [...]


By |10 August 2018|

Villa Nazareth offers rehabilitation courses for a functional and social recovery of people in developmental age. It offers physiotherapy treatments in various medical fields such as: Orthopedic and traumatological Neurology / Neurosurgery Rheumatic Geriatric Vascular Cardio-respiratory There is also a massage room with physical therapy such as: Tecar therapy Ultrasound therapy Infrared therapy Laser therapy Electrotherapy [...]

The water of Terme di Sirmione

By |10 August 2018|

Water: an exceptional composition The water of Terme di Sirmione is classified as mineral water, bacteriologically pure and hyperthermal, because it emerges at a temperature of 69°. Based on its chemical-physical properties, the water of Terme di Sirmione has been identified as sulphurous with bromide and iodide salts. In fact, it contains a significant amount [...]

Flebologic path

By |9 August 2018|

The flebologic path is an advanced version, in terms of spa treatments, of the famous hydrotherapy invented by Abbot Kneipp more than one century ago. The treatment consists in stepping alternately into two baths, a hot and a cold one, and gives a very pleasing sensation of lightness to the legs. The daily repetition reactivates [...]