How to deal with stress?

Stress is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes physical or mental tensions that can lead to illness. In a stress situation, everybody’s mind and body responds in a different way  and often the individual actions to control stress generates anxiety and even depression. It would be a serious mistake to think about solving these problems without anyone’s help, or without specific activities and aid tools, such as psychological help or appropriate medicines.

In this case, natural medicine is the thermal water that, with its healing qualities, can improve psychophysical well-being. For example, it has been scientifically tested that the Montecatini Terme water has antidepressant properties because it helps to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter directly linked to a feeling of general well-being.

The combination of drinking therapy, baths in the thermal water, traditional holistic and indian massages, meditation and breathing techniques contribute to improve mental and physical health and help to rebalance the skelethal muscle system in cases such as headache, neck pain and myalgia.

Here you can find bespoke health packages aimed at disorders related to stress. Click on the hotels below for more information and rates.

Hotel Rosa degli Angeli Peio Trentino Italy

Hotel Rosa degli Angeli ***S

Peio – Trentino

Holistic wellness Program
Grand Hotel Plaza Montecatini Terme Italy

Grand Hotel Plaza

Montecatini Terme – Tuscany

Holistic Thermal Program
Hotel Minerva Palace Montecatini Terme Tuscany Italy

Hotel Minerva Palace

Montecatini Terme – Tuscany

Holistic Thermal Program
Hotel Grotta Giusti spa Tuscany Italy

Grotta Giusti SPA

Monsummano Terme – Tuscany

Equilibrium Program